- Author
- Sára Szilva, Balázs Kovács
- Consultant
- Gergely Hory PhD, Márton Révai
- Year
- 2023/24
- Awards
- III. helyezett, Prezentációs különdíj
If we are not surrounded by walls, how could we escape?
Lili Ország was confined by walls all throughout her life. From the physical walls of jewish ghettos, to the immaterial shackles of the communist regime. Her early career was marked by the direct portrayal of walls, relieving the pain and suffering caused by them. Although they have a clear negative and painful meaning, they remained a central motif of her work. The figurative depiction transformed into a much more obscure representation, in which the wall itself became a building block of a more complex order. The labyrinths of Lili Ország could be interpreted as a wall extruded into a new dimension forming an obstacle magnitudes more difficult to overcome. The process of one becoming many, clear turning to confusing and a wall evolving into a maze laid the foundation of our work.