Straight labyrinth

Exhibition of Lili Ország in the church of the Kiscelli Museum

Flóra Kis, Tamara Tóth
Balázs Kemes, DLA
III. díj
Lili Ország's life, and thus her art, was greatly influenced by her anxiety stemming from traumas in her youth. We believe that in order to understand her works as deeply as possible, to receive and experience them, it is very helpful - even necessary - to place oneself in the state of mind in which she created her art. The past always seeks a link with the present. It is this connection that Lili Ország creates between the myriad layers of her works and her own world, smoothing a new individual view between the layers of the past. With our work we have also sought to create a link between past and present, to motivate individual interpretations that clarify the meanings of the images and the circumstances of their creation through an emotional filter in each visitor. As she did then, we layer and transmit, just not in a lifelong way as she did. Reinterpreting the past is a cycle, it never stops, it is re-incorporated, revealing new meanings. Our task is to keep the cycle going.