The fire keeps burning
Rebirth of the Boiler House
- Author
- Anna Semsei, Márton Szakácsi
- Consultant
- Péter Kronavetter
- Year
- 2023/24
- Awards
- I. díj, Középülettervezési Tanszék Különdíja
The boiler house at 2-3 Jakobinusok Square has been neglected for decades due to financial problems, and our task was to bring it back to life. We split the garden and the boiler house in two, making sure that the block's interior retains its integrity: in one part, financial sustainability is achieved through the involvement of outside parties, and in the other, we provide a space for community life with a garden kitchen for the residents. We have also included in our plan a rental property attached to the apartment block, which we have linked to the financial viability. We ended up with several working functions for this model, and the unique feature of our design is that each of these is compatible with the space that will emerge at the end of our project. (The drawings show the space we created using the art gallery model.) The garden, the community and the boiler house are interconnected, reviving each other and reigniting the fire.