The walls are within me

Nóra Olimpia Csizmadia, Anna Barbara Farkas, Orsolya Gyéresi
Péter Kronavetter
II. helyezés
„There are so many secrets behind walls; walls are scary. In front of a wall, I always had to think about what was waiting for me beyond... That's what I wanted to express. My anxieties. Because the walls were within me... They affected me deeply. I found in them everything I needed to express myself...” Walls keep returning in Lili Ország's work, from her initial brick-walled paintings, through her iconographic pictures of city walls interspersed with punctuation marks, to the Labyrinth series. She painted city plans and was preoccupied with the continuity of human existence, the superimposition of the ages, a kind of layering that also appears in her paintings. The design is an attempt to create an exhibition installation where Lili Ország's art and the spirit of place are mutually reinforced, evoking the walls of Lili Ország's inner world. „The walls are bound to me forever.”