Field of our own
Garden and multifunctional communal space in Kajárpéc
The Village House of Kajárpéc is a longhouse of Kisalföld. The old building is essentially a modell of the classic peasant life of Hungary. My goal was to add a new variety of opportunities to this well-maintained communal space. My program rests on two pillars: first, a heated event hall, a kitchen that can serve the guests, and accomodation; and second, a modell orchard, an agriculture building, a fruit processor kitchen and an open marketplace. The symbiosis of these functions creates a finnancially sustainable communal space that can serve as a classroom, an entertainment center, and present an alternative to urban life. The project site is a part of an existing agricultural field, the shape and size of the buildings follow the structure of the village, but the orientation follows the function and the orbit of the sun. The gardens between the buildings are differentiated according to the intimacy level: from open event space to small garden.