Film Center
- Author
- Bogdán Lemuel Kiss
- Consultant
- Levente Szabó DLA
- Subject
- Comprehensive Design Studio 1
- Year
- 2022/23
The institution is a film center where, in addition to analog screenings, it would be possible to learn about traditional film editing. Thematic screenings, and the library offers opportunity for film history adventures. The downtown cinema building is located on a through lot, bordered by Gerlóczy and Vitkovics Mihály streets. Just as the surrounding residential buildings have courtyards to allow as many rooms as possible to receive natural light, due to its function the cinema creates a closed core protected from natural light. The main community functions are located in the central core: the basement auditorium, the main projection room, the small rooms, the studio and darkroom, and the library. An outdoor projecting room is located on the roof terrace. The space surrounding the core is a lobby and cafeteria on the ground floor, and exhibition space on the upper levels.