Martial Arts Center, Budafok

Lili Abigail Bucholsky

Miklós Ágoston Vannay DLA, Nóra Ostoróczky, Kinga Sámson, Donát Rabb

Public Building Design 2

This two-story building is designed for martial arts training. The façade consists of precast concrete cladding and glass walls. This exterior highlights the more important interior spaces. Its largest glass surface is located around the entrance door, creating an inviting sight. The other two glass walls provide a glimpse into the main training areas. Upon entering, we arrive in a lobby, facing an interior service area. This internal block also serves as a space-organizing function, forming a boundary between the lobby and the gym, accentuated by a subtle wood cladding contrasting with the rough concrete. The ground floor training space - accessed through an open corridor or the changing rooms - is organized around a central element: a boxing ring. Upstairs, a comfortable lounge with beanbags separates us from the training room on the first floor. Walking straight on, we arrive in the open tatami room.