The Rock

revitalisation of the former military base in Lillafüred

Zsuzsa A. Madarász
Péter Kronavetter DLA
Diploma Design Studio
Lillafüred is a beautiful destination in the Bükk region which besides its rich natural values also hides architectural treasures. The abandoned military building known as Rock was built between the two world wars, with an unique character of an area along the cliff face and narrow corridors and spacious halls carved into the rock. The aim of the plan is to add a new architectural context to this site with an unique story, being in an intense natural environment, but currently underused. It offers a round route starting along the existing stone fence: gardens, an exhibition corridor and private cabins line the rock face, before a space as a resting point, rising in mass, closes the line. At this point, the journey continues into the depths of the rock, where the lack of natural light, the deepening or even oppressive effect of confinement is captured in a series of freely accessible spaces for art creation and exhibition which after wandering through, lead back to the sunlit surface.