Tokaj marketplace
- Author
- Soma Péter Tóth - Boglárka Varga
- Consultant
- Péter Kronavetter DLA
- Subject
- Specialization Design Course
- Year
- 2021/22
The project deals with the surroundings of the old Tokaj synagogue. Aiming to revitalize the somewhat neglected area, a markethall, a café, shops and a small memorial pavilion are imagined. The project’s main element is a simple temporary marketplace, which, while able to serve tourists, is designed fits and foremost for locals, selling both everyday products and curiosities for visitors. The café can serve as an extension to the neighboring theater, a more intimate place for cultural life. After the second world war, the synagogue was abandoned, the building is a reminder of a now lost, peaceful time. Instead of filling it with a new function, we planned a protective layer around it, an embracing garden. The garden works as a green island in the town, its atmosphere further protected by stone walls. These walls thicken into buildings in places, with timber structures sitting on top, marking the focal points of the project: the café’s community space, the markethall and the memorial.