reinterpretation for an industrial court, Artus Studio
- Author
- Makovics Eszter, Nándori Réka Eszter, Szabó-Temple Marcell
- Consultant
- Fazekas Katalin
- Subject
- Specialization Complementary Course
- Year
- 2021/22
Alongside the guests of the Artus’s plays the SKETCH is open for everyone who looks for a special and loveable place to spend their free-time. Simple, easily understandable structure which creates a friendly place for adults just as well as it does for children. The created construction made an open-air function for the already colorful Artus.
Also SKETCH connects Fonó with the court and it makes a worthy entrance. By the positioning a walkway comes alive between the interestingly constructed retaining wall and itself as a new experience of the court.