Dombrovszky Zsófia
doctoral student

- Topic
Perspectives of preserving modernist community architecture
- Studies
2021- Postgradual DLA-course, BUTE Doctoral School of Architectural Design, Department of Public Building Design
2017 Hogeschool Rotterdam, School of Built Environment
2011–2018 Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Public Building Design
2006–2011 Illyés Gyula Secondary Grammar School, Budaörs
- Workplaces
2023– OKKA Építésziroda / architect
2022–2023 ArchStudio / architect
2018–2022 Konkrét Stúdió / architect
2018–2021 BUTE Faculty of Architecture, Department of Public Building Design, Department of Urban Design / consultant
2017 KRED Architects, Rotterdam, NL / intern
2016 Kettőpera Stúdió / intern
2015 Mola Architekten, Berlin, DE / intern
2014–2017 S’39 Hybrid Design / intern
- Education, academic degrees
2018 chartered architect, BUTE Faculty of Architecture
- Language skills
English – proficient user skills
French – elemental user skills
- Awards, recognitions
2019 Otthoneked competiton, Kisszékely, 2nd prize (Ostoróczky Nóra, Z. Szabó Márton)
- Scholarships
2022 New National Excellence Program scholaship (ÚNKP)
2017 Erasmus educational scholarship
- Scientific / artistic, professional public, educational activities
2021– Comprehensive Design Studio consultant
2020– Basics of Architecture course consultant
2019 Urban Design 2 course consultant / Department of Urban Design
2018– Space compositon course consultant
- 10 selected plans or built works
2021 Szigliget Castle historic exhibition (Balogh Csaba lead designer, Deigner Ágnes, Sónicz Péter, Sirokai Levenete, Iván Kata)
2020 Szabadkígyósi Wenckheim-kastély pálmaház rekonstrukció tanulmányterv (Balogh Csaba lead designer, Sirokai Levente, Pongor Soma, Toronyi Dávid)
2019- Tihanyi Bencés Apátság, renovation of Gallery (Balogh Csaba lead designer, Sónicz Péter)
2018 Kunsthalle reconstruction, Budapest, preliminary study (Balogh Csaba lead designer, Deigner Ágnes, Sirokai Levente, Sónicz Péter)
2017 Graphisoft Park Entrance Building, Budapest (Sugár Péter DLA lead designer, Ilyés-Fekete Zsuzsa, Kun Tamás, Baróthy Anna lead designer, Krauth Vera, Szabó Péter)
- Complete list of publications