Klobusovszki Péter DLA
associate professor

- Topic
Contemporary Swiss-german Architecture, Architecture and Environment, Public Architecture - Public space
- Studies
2002–2004 Masterschool of Association of Hungarian Architects (AHA)
1997–2000 BME, Faculty of Architecture, Postgradual DLA Course
1997 BME Faculty of Architecture, MSc.
- Workplaces
2019- associate professor, BME Public Design Department
2009- Assistant professor, BME Public Building Design Department
2006–2008 Teaching assistant, BME Public Building Design Department
2000–2005 Engineer, BME Public Building Design Department
2006- Formation of Independent Architectural Practice
1997–2006 Tamás Karácsony and Péter Janesch Studio
- Education, academic degrees
2008 BME, Doctor Liberalium Artium (DLA)
1997 BME, Faculty of Architecture, MSc.
- Language skills
English intermediate, German basic
- Awards, recognitions
2022 House of the Year Terrán Special Sponsorship Award – Göd, family house
2016 Dean’s honor
2012 Tutor of the Year, BME Faculty of Architecture
2011 For Supporting Student Science Circle
2010 Magyary Zoltán Public Endowment for Higher Education, Award for Outstanding PhD/DLA Dissertation
2009 XI. Hungarian Real Estate Award (FIABCI) Dubniczay – Palace
2008 Molnár Péter Memory-prize
2008 Szendrői Jenő Prize
2007 Pro Architectura Prize, shared with Tamás Karácsony and Orsolya Kern
2007 Piranesi Honorable Mention, shared with Tamás Karácsony and Orsolya Kern
2007 ICOMOS-Prize, shared with Tamás Karácsony and Orsolya Kern
2006 Pro Veszprém Prize, shared with Tamás Karácsony and Orsolya Kern
1997 Diploma Prize
- Scholarships
2008 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur, (ETHZ, GTA) Eötvös, Hungarian State Scholarship, 3 months
1999 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur, (ETHZ, GTA), Soros Foundation Scolarship, Eötvös, Hungarian State Scholarship, 3 months
1995 Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, Arhitekturskolan, (Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture ) Stockholm, Tempus Scholarship, 1 year
- Scientific / artistic, professional public, educational activities
2021 Chairman of the Diploma Committee, MOME, Institute for Architecture
2020 member of jury, BETA 2020, Timisoara
2017 member of jury, Expansion and Reconstruction of County Court and Public Prosecutions, Tapolca, National Competition
2014-2017 member of the Committee of Architectural Sciences (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2017 Member of Jury, Development of Szent Miklós-szeg, Invited Ideas Competition, AHA
2014 Member of Jury, Student Ideas Competition, Graphical Design for Elavation of Erkel Theatre, BUTE
2012- Member of the Regular Committee on History and Theory of Architecture and Monument Preservation (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2012- member of Public Body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2011 Member of Jury, Újpalota Community Centre, National Ideas Competition
2010 Member of Jury, Vásártéri Housing Estate, Community Centre, Keszthely, Ideas Competition, AHA
2009 Member of Jury, Protecting Roof and Historical Display of a Cannon Casting Workshop, Environmental Design and Interior of Lapidarium, Sárospatak, Student Ideas Competition, AHA
2009 Member of Jury, Development of Regéc Stronghold, Student Ideas Competition, AHA
2001- member of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects
Co-curator of the exhibition Displace, 8 architectural projects, at Contemporary Art Institute, Dunaújváros 1999.04.16.- 1999. 05. 22.
- 10 selected plans or built works
- take out: 2010 (028) ECOC, European Capital of Culture, Drava River 2012, New Maribor Art Museum, with András Márk Bartha, collaborator: Ádám Holicska / insert: 2023 (046) Hungarian Centre of Architecture and Museum, Budapest, with Sarolta Rab, highlighted purchase
- 2021 (041) Érd Parkváros Public Education Center, General planner: BME Public Building Design Department, Architecture: Tamás Karácsony, Péter Klobusovszki, Katalin Alkér, András Márk Bartha, István Gyulovics, Zsófia Kovács, Tibor Tánczos
- 2019 (040) Extension of a gabled house, Göd, with Balázs Rose, associate: Péter Budai
- 2016-2018 (038) Reconstruction and Extenton of Town Hall of Gödöllő, concept design: András Márk Bartha, Katalin Alkér, István Gyulovics, permission plan: István Gyulovics, Éva Baráth; construction plan, interior design, partner: Balázs Rose, associates:Éva Baráth, Emese Bíró, Péter Budai
- 2015 (035) Interior Design of a Flat in a Villa, Budapest, XII. district
- 2014 (034) Széll-gate, National ideas competition, honorable mention, collaboration with András Márk Bartha
- 2010 (029) 320°Artistic Cultural Educational and Technical Centre, Siófok, collaboration with Gábor Zombor and Tamás Szentirmai, honorable mention
- 2010 (028) EPK, European Capital of Culture, Drava River 2012, New Maribor Art Gallery, collaboration with András Márk Bartha, associate: Ádám Holicska
- 2009 (026) Reconstruction of the Monument of the Former Tram Station Building at Móricz Zsigmond Circus, collaboration with András Márk Bartha, honorable mention
- 2007 (025) Boutique Hotel at Clark Adam square, collaboration with Katalin Fazekas, associates: Gabriella Antal, Balázs Roze, honorable mention
- 1998-2003-2005 (003) Reconstruction of Dubniczay – palace, permission plan, construction plan, interior plan, Partners: Tamás Karácsony and Orsolya Kern associates: Anikó Natta, Balázs Turai
- 5 main publications
Péter Klobusovszki: „Note on the Relationship of Public Buildings, Public Space, the Public and the Public Sphere” in: Somogyi Krisztina, Klobusovszki Péter (eds.): Public Buildings within your Reach. 278 p. Budapest: The Foundation for the Education of Construction Design, 2017. pp. 126–135. (ISBN:978-963-12-8780-6)
- Complete list of publications